Norainu Mode
Around my neighborhood, there is a stray dog that puts its head through a hole between BTS Skytrain staircase
and a concrete barricade every morning. Then, it stands motionless as if it is looking for something for a very long time.
'What is the thing that it has seen?’and a concrete barricade every morning. Then, it stands motionless as if it is looking for something for a very long time.
No one can tell except itself.
Someone once told me that dogs can see things that invisible for the human.
To discover this new perspective, I decided to follow the path of a stray dog.
Led by the instinct and drifted through the stream of alleys,
I sense the unexpected strangeness and loneliness that I have never noticed before.
I sense the unexpected strangeness and loneliness that I have never noticed before.
Finally, my question is still unanswered, but I finally understand that what is the thing that the dog is chasing for.